Ryan Lehman, CSS™
Ryan is currently employed by a major airline as a pilot instructor on the 777, where he teaches qualification and continuing qualification courses. Before his current role, Ryan flew the 757, 767, A319 and A320. Prior to joining his current airline, he flew the MD-80 with Allegiant and the Embraer 145 with ExpressJet Airlines. He also volunteers with the ALPA local council Retirement & Insurance (R&I) Committee. Ryan applies his extensive knowledge of airline employee benefits to enhance the LRC Aviation Advisors team’s ability to deliver top-notch service and advice to our pilot clients. Additionally, he is actively offering technical expertise on the design and functionality of airline benefits programs. Ryan holds the Certified Social Security Specialist™ designation. This graduate-level designation is conferred upon candidates who have successfully completed an educational program focusing on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, disability, retirement income, and the resulting tax ramification.